What is a barcode scanner?
Apr 16 , 2021

What is a barcode scanner?

A barcode scanner (also referred to as a barcode reader) is a device that captures and decodes the information contained by a barcode. Traditional barcode scanners consist of the following four components:

1. Light source: This helps the barcode read and accurately decode the information contained in a barcode.

2. Lens: This scans the barcode.

3. Photoconductor: This translates optical impulses into electrical ones.

4. Decoder: This analyzes the barcode’s data and sends it to the scanner’s output port.

After capturing the information, barcode scanners link to a host computer or tablet and transmit that information in real-time, without additional human intervention. This helps retailers automate data collection processes and reduce human errors like inventory tracking and processing point of sale transactions.

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